Where did “All it takes is one move from God, just ONE.” come from?

In 2017 in the middle of the night the Holy Spirit lead me to make this post on Instagram and it has since gone viral. As the time passed I know that I needed to do something because it resonated with so many people.

As you browse through our store and explore our products, I want to share a powerful message that has touched my heart and inspired me on my personal journey. The message is simple yet profound: “All it takes is one move from God, just one.”

This message reminds us that no matter how difficult our circumstances or challenges may seem, there is always hope. No matter how dark the night may be, there is always the promise of a new day. No matter how small our faith may be, there is always the potential for something great to happen.


In my own life, I have experienced the truth of this message firsthand. There were times when I felt stuck, hopeless, and unsure of what the future held. But I held onto my faith and trusted that God had a plan for my life. And sure enough, just one moment, one opportunity, one blessing, changed everything.

So as you shop with us today, remember that you are not alone. You are not defined by your past, your struggles, or your limitations. You are a beloved child of God with infinite potential, and all it takes is one move from Him to change your life forever.
Thank you for choosing our store, and we hope that our products will inspire you on your own journey of faith and hope.
Robin Nicole
CEO, Jahzi Brand LLC.

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